Grandview School Exam Schedule and Weather Updates

This year we have a Provincial ELA Exam in addition to our regular school based exams. Please see the link below for the entire schedule.
*** In case of bus cancellations, sessions for the Provincial Exam will continue as scheduled. ***
UPDATE JAN 10: Buses are cancelled for Wednesday January 10th. Provincial ELA Exam session will still take place at 1:00 pm for students that are able to attend. A make-up session will be scheduled for those unable to attend due to bus cancellations.
UPDATE JAN 11: Buses are cancelled for Thursday January 11th as well. The Provincial Exam Session will still take place at 1:00 pm for students that are able to attend. The current plan is to have make-up sessions throughout the day on Friday for those that have not been able to attend due to poor weather conditions.
UPDATE JAN 12: Buses are cancelled for Friday January 12th as well. The Provincial Exam Session will still take place at 1:00 pm for students that are able to attend. The current plan is to have make-up sessions Monday morning for those that have not been able to attend due to poor weather conditions this week.
UPDATE JAN 13: Buses are cancelled for Monday January 15th. The Provincial ELA make-up sessions for this morning will be rescheduled after consultation with the Department.