Grandview Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher interviews will follow a similar format that took place in November (over the phone or through Teams).  Kindergarten through Grade 12 interviews will be held on Thursday, March 17 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Interviews will continue on Friday, March 18 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.  Some interviews may take place at the school at the teacher’s discretion and the availability of the parents.   Report cards for Kindergarten and Grade 9-12 were sent home in February.  Grade 1 to 8 report cards will be sent home with students on Wednesday, March 16, 2022. 

 Interviews will be conducted over the phone (some teachers may ask if you would like to meet over Teams).  Once times have been determined, your child’s teacher will contact you at the number indicated on the form (that is returned to the school).  Interviews will be limited to 15 minutes per child.

 Mrs. Grexton will be unavailable for interviews during this reporting period.

Mrs. Armstrong will be available Thursday evening and Friday afternoon only as she has interviews with her students in Ethelbert Friday morning.

Mr. Giasson and Ms. Sawatsky will be away for Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball Provincials.  Please list their name on the blanks provided if you would like them to call you prior to Thursday.

All other teachers will be available at the times listed above.

Please visit this link for a copy of the letter that was sent home with students.