General Information for External Scholarships and Awards
We encourage students to explore scholarship options provided on the website as well as others they may find on their own, as new opportunities are available each year. If students require some assistance to determine if they are eligible to apply for certain scholarships, they are asked to visit the Guidance Counselor.
If a transcript is required, please see Mrs. Hrystay. Please try to request these at least one week before the application is due.
If a reference letter is required, ensure that you ask your reference for the letter at least one week before it is due and provide them with an outline of what you have done to meet the criteria, if there is anything that you may be involved in that they may not be aware of.
For example, if you ask your coach to write a letter discussing your leadership skills, they will be aware of these in the areas that they work with you. If you have other areas where you also use these skills be sure to let them know where this is, and how you display these skills so they can include this information in the letter. It is beneficial to provide key points to your reference, either on paper or through email.
Information on Local Scholarships and Awards
A committee awards most local scholarships and bursaries at the end of the school year. Local businesses and organizations have their own requirements and standards for a student to qualify. Many local scholarships and bursaries do not require student application; however, your name must be on the intentions list that is created by the Career Guidance Counsellor to be considered for the local scholarships/bursaries. In order to have your name on this list you must complete the Graduate Information Form by Spring Break. The guidance bulletin board will list local scholarships that must be applied for. Please check regularly for updated information.
Graduation Information Form - Due Spring Break
Responsibilities for Graduation Events
School Responsibilities:
- The school prints and sells the banquet tickets
- Coordinates speakers for the School ceremony and banquet at hall – grads help choose speakers for both
- Meets with Students about Theme for School and coordinates musical selections
- Gym decorating (or alternate location if required)
- Graduation Gowns - Students may covers costs if fundraising efforts are not sufficient
- PowerPoint presentation – photos must be provided on time
- RCMP invite for Governor General Award
- Coordinates Grad Awards for the Ceremony
- Grad clothing if students want
- Grad rings if students want
- Prep Grads prior to Grad Ceremony
- Can arrange for Safe Grad members to attend a Safe Grad meeting
- Grad cap and gown photos that take place in the winter by Lifetouch
- Caterer – Pay caterer after collecting money from sale of banquet tickets – menu chosen by grads
Safe Grad Responsibilities:
- Hire photographer – for entrance into the gym as well as individual shots and first dance at hall
- Individual and Family shots prior to grad to be booked on your own.
- Decorating the Hall/Rental of hall for safe grad – hall also used for banquet
- Respond to Toast to the Parents – chosen by the grads
- Dance – any licensing requirements
- Safe Grad Tickets
- Alcohol Permit
- Food at the Dance
- Fundraising for the Dance
- Security
- Paying for the hall rental
- Drivers for Safe Grad – Contact Grade 11 Parents
- Safe Grad Bursaries – the number of bursaries and amount of each to be determined by the Safe Grad Committee
Valedictorian Criteria
Grandview School K-12 believes that the Valedictorian must be a well-rounded individual whose accomplishments reflect the values of the school community.
The recipient of this honour would have met the requirements for graduation; have demonstrated respectful behaviour in school as well as in the community at large, and not have been suspended from school for a major offense within the last two academic school years.
In addition to the above-mentioned criteria, the Valedictorian shall be determined according to the following two requirements: academic standing, and school spirit.
- Average no lower than 70% in Grade 12.
- Must be an active member in good standing in at least three school-sponsored clubs, teams, or organizations over their Grade 11 and 12 years.
- Must participate in at least two school-sanctioned activities (spirit week activities, intramurals, special events such as ice-fishing and special functions prior to breaks and year-end).
The Valedictorian Selection Committee will be comprised of the Principal, the Academic Counsellor, and the Graduation Advisor. In the event that more than one candidate meet the requirements, the VSC may declare more than one Valedictorian. In the event that no suitable candidate is found, the VSC may opt to decline this honour to the graduating class.
The Valedictory speech needs to be completed and approved by administration at least one week prior to the graduation date.
Grandview Academic Awards
Grade 9-12 students will receive certificates if they finish 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in any class, as long as their mark is at 70% or above.
Grade 12 students who finish 1st in their class (as long as average is at 70% or above) will have their name printed on the graduation program.
Governor General Award – Presented to the student with the highest average in Grade 11 and 12 courses (30, 40 level courses throughout high school).
Honour Cords will be presented to graduates that have maintained an average of 80% or higher for each year of their high school career.
Athletic Awards
Athlete of the Year Criteria
- Great Attitude on and off the court/field
- Commitment to the team
- Being a leader on the team
- Willing to help, teach and assist their teammates
- Positive Sportsmanship shown amongst their teammates, opponents and officials
- Succeeding in the classroom by being eligible for every game or meet throughout the season
- A multi-sport athlete who participates in a minimum of 2 school (team or individual) sports throughout the same school year
- Exhibit top performance as a scholar athlete
The following point system will be used to select the recipient:
8 points awarded per school team
3 points awarded if team/individual makes Provincials
3 points awarded if named MVP for the team
3 points awarded if named to All-Star Team at Provincials
5 points awarded if named MVP at Provincials
3 points awarded if playing on a community team
3 points awarded if playing on a AAA/or similar team
3 points awarded if playing on a club team
Team Awards
Awards will be presented by coaches for various accomplishments at the end of the school year
Current Graduation Requirements for Manitoba